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Are You Divorcing Over Politics?


As the old saying goes, it’s not polite to discuss religion or politics in mixed company. It seems that, for some couples, that’s true even if you’re married.  The sentiments associated with these topics—politics in particular for this discussion—can create some very polarizing emotions, destabilizing a relationship and leading to divorce. In fact, divorcing due to political differences is more and more common today than ever, probably due to the extreme disparities between the major political parties these days.

Factors that Exacerbate the Problem 

The influence of modern technology is undeniable in this newest of divorce trends, since the 24-7 news cycle keeps people immersed in political news and opinions on a daily basis. The level of engagement–and even obsession—with politics may incite some to get more amped up about political candidates and issues. If people in a marriage are from two different parties with very different opinions, the tension to the relationship is all but inevitable.

Political Tribalism is Not What it Used to Be 

While honest differences of opinion related to politics have been around for generations, these days it’s not uncommon for loyalists on either side of the divide to view the other as an adversary. The kind of devotion we see to particular candidates or ideologies these days are profound and steadfast. Obviously differences that deep can spell trouble in any marriage. Perhaps that explains why more than one in 10 divorcees surveyed said that a major factor to their break-up was the difference of opinions related to politics.  Millennials reported as much at even higher rates.

Bigger Issues 

Since politics generally align with the core values we hold, differences in political philosophies can be an indication of differences that run even deeper. A person’s worldview, when juxtaposed against a very different viewpoint, can reveal primary differences between life views. If couples can’t find common ground in their marriage, or at least find a way to honor and respect basic differences, the relationship may be in serious trouble. Can someone live with a spouse who is on the other end of the political spectrum? The chances of a successful relationship weaken when there’s a redundant effort to change the other person’s point of view. Is mutual respect possible?  In these impassioned political times, sometimes it’s simply not.

Cooling Things Down 

For couples who are struggling to survive these political times,  here are some ideas to help get through those escalating political discussions:

  • Communicate respectfully, using basic ground rules that rely on really listening, using calm voices, and rooting discussions in shared goals.
  • Rather than scorning your partner’s opinion, try to develop a curiosity about their stance and what motivates them to think that way.
  • Hold yourself accountable to being composed and reasonable, and if your spouse becomes disrespectful, call it out on the spot so it doesn’t develop into a pattern.

If There’s Just No Resolution 

If you’re one of the many couples who just can’t survive the political differences in your marriage, the experienced Boca Raton divorce attorneys at WiseLieberman are here for you.  We will work to ensure the best possible outcomes for you.  Schedule a confidential consultation in our Boca Raton office today.



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