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Modification Of Florida Spousal Support


Since your divorce, things have changed.  Maybe you or your former spouse has experienced a major influx of money; perhaps one of you has become seriously ill. All kinds of things could have occurred altering the financial status of one or both of you, meaning it’s probably reasonable that the alimony—sometimes referred to as spousal support—requirements change as well.

The Original Support Order 

Spousal support is often provided for a lesser-earning spouse when he or she is unable to cover reasonable financial needs without such help, and the payer can provide the support without undue hardship.  Support can be ordered in many forms:

  • Permanent lasts until remarriage of the recipient or the death of either person;
  • Rehabilitative assists a spouse as he or she receives training or education in order to become self-sufficient;
  • Bridge-the-Gap is to help the individual get acclimated to single life, and maxes out after two years;
  • Lump-Sum is awarded in a one-time payout under unique circumstances such as the ailing health of one person;
  • Durational is provided for a set amount of time (though it can be modified);
  • Nominal is awarded when there is a clear need for support, but little in the way of resources at the time of the divorce, and can be modified later as needed. 

Changes Often Predicate Support Adjustments 

Life changes do impact the amount of support one party must pay another according to Florida law, making modification of the original agreement worth considering. Any number of major changes could drastically alter the amount of money changing hands among exes.

Changes that Might Predicate Modification of Support Payments 

A number of vacillations in life have the potential to justify adjusting the amount of support one former spouse must pay to another.  Some of those include one or the other former partners experiencing:

  • A higher paying job;
  • The loss of a job;
  • Serious illness;
  • Remarriage of the recipient;
  • Another significant change to financial viability, such as a lottery win or inheritance.

Who Can Request a Modification? 

Either partner can request a change to current payment arrangements with a motion to modify with the court, but it will be successful only if the person requesting the change can demonstrate a significant and continuing change in circumstances such that modifications are reasonable.

Fighting for You 

The knowledgeable and experienced Boca Raton modification attorneys at WiseLieberman will fight for clients who seek modifications to previously drawn up spousal support requirements.  We have found success in these kinds of cases when we do our homework and present a strong and convincing argument on your behalf.  To discuss the possibilities, schedule a confidential consultation in our office today.



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